Saturday, 16 February 2013

Hair haul - before and after dye


 Good morning lovelies! As you all can probably tell I go through many phases of wanting my hair either blonde or dark brown and when I finally get it the right colour I dye it the opposite colour. Back in summer I attempted to go blonde with a bleach kit and my hair went yellow, I then dyed it an ash blonde which looked fine into the colour faded in the sun and it went an awful gingery colour, so I then dyed it dark brown. I really liked that colour but my hair never keeps the colour long and soon it was a funny mousy brown colour and so I decided I was going to Ombre it in an attempt to let my roots grow out whilst it looked like it was supposed to be like that! The Ombre looked nice at firs but that also faded quite a lot and I just didn't like it once that happened (which is why I never made the blog post about it). So after seeing many photos of lovely blonde hair on Tumblr I thought 'I want blonde hair for summer!'

I bought the Loreal preference dye in shade 0.3 lightest ash blonde, I did know that my hair was never going to be as light as the picture. There was also a 3 for 2 offer on in boots on all haircare items so I bought 3 John Frieda things, A lightening shampoo, a tone correcting shampoo and deep conditioning treatment.  I left the dye on for around 45 minutes as it suggests and the rinsed it out,  used the conditioner it comes with and rinsed that off, then finally I applied the john frieda deep conditioner and left that on for 15 minutes in the hope it would save my hair from too much damage!

My hair is definitely lighter but still not as light as I would like, so I'm going to dye it lighter again but not for a while as I don't want to frazzle my hair too much. The deep conditioner definitely did wonders too my hair as it feels so much softer and it also made it smell really nice. I am yet to try the shampoos but I could do a review on them once I've used them for a bit if people would like? But I am hoping they get rid of the slight brassy tones in my hair and lighten it just a small amount if anything.


  1. Love how your hair looks at the moment :) Very pretty xx

  2. I feel how tingly my fingers are again; I used to be kind of addicted to dyeing my hair (it was black, brown, red, blonde...) but I managed to not die my hair for about 1 - 2 years.
    Now I have this ugly ash-blonde / grey hair colour and I'm pining for all those beautiful colours hair can have. :'D
    Lovely post! :)

    1. Haha I know what you mean! I promise myself I wont dye it and then once my roots start to grow out I change my mind xx

  3. I would love a review of the shampoos! This looks really pretty! xxx

    1. Thankyou, I will be sure to do one then :) xxx

  4. Its gorgeous! I lovelovelove the colour <3 You should keep it like this for a while and if it starts to bore you you can always dip die it bright colours! :D
    Sofia x

    1. Thankyou very much :) Well I'm going to be dying it lighter so then I could maybe put colours on top of that for the summer :D xx

  5. It looks gorgeous! I really want to make my hair blonder but I'm not too keen on dying it right now!! Love to see what you think of the shampoo!Xx

    1. Thankyou Lucy! Yeah I didn't really want to have to die mine because its already in bad condition but once I've got the idea in my hair I have to do it haha :) xx

  6. the colour is really nice, soo pretty xxx

  7. the colour is really lovely becky! I think you should definitely do a review on the shampoo and conditioner because i can never find a really good shampoo or conditioner that fixes my hair once i dye it :')


  8. I use the Loreal Recital Preference dyes on my blonde hair to, they work a charm!

    - Keyta

  9. lovely hair colour:) I use the tone correcting shampoo and conditioner from John Frieda and I love it, I have ombre hair and it definitely takes away the brassy tones:) xxx

    Shabby Chic and Tea♥

  10. I wish I could pull off blonde hair! I have really pale skin and very dark eyes so it doesn't suit me, it looks so cute xx

  11. Your hair is lovely! xxx

  12. Your so lucky how you look amazing with any colour hair! The change in colour is quite subtle but looks so much better (in my opinion!) The copper tones are gone and it looks lovely and blonde :)
    Anna xx

  13. love the color of your hair now, it´s beautiful :)

  14. The colours of both your before and after hair are gorgeous. You will have to keep us all updated about your most recent hair colour! Xx

  15. You have beautiful hair! xxx

    My blog:

    -Alex Rose xx

