Friday, 8 February 2013

Spring has come when you can put your foot on three daisies - Spring Wishlist

Good evening lovelies, I know this is a bit early on in the year for a spring wishlist but I have just love spring and all the bright colours and if the weathers nice... being able to wear shorts! I can't find where the shorts are from but if I do find out I will add it on, or if anybody knows then please let me know. I have always loved crochet and lace tops, infact I bought a lovely one from a blog sale in the summer and I love it although the tassels get caught on everything and stick to a top if you wear one underneath. But this one is gorgeous and I definitely want it for summer or spring.

There was also a pink Daisy jumper that I love but it's now unavailable on the website which is such a shame because I really wanted it, but here it is in all it's glory anyway so you can all join in my sadness about it no longer being available! (excuse the blurry picture but that is the only one I can find)


  1. I love you so much for posting this right now! Summer and spring is my favourite time of the year and I'm sick of seeing winter clothes... roll on the good weather! xx

    1. haha thankyoouuu! I'm glad you like it, and me too I'm fed up of winter now.... bring on Summer! xx

  2. This has made me SO excited for spring and summer! I'm so happy that pastels are going to be in this year! The crochet top belongs in my wardrobe!!Xx

  3. I LOVE everything, I'm so looking forward to the spring time now! <3

    Jennie xo |

  4. everything is so so gorgeous on here, i cant wait for spring now! such a pity the daisy jumper is unavailable!xx

    vintage teapot//fashion, beauty & life

  5. this is such a pretty post becky! That jumper is stunning, i'm gutted you couldn't get it! I really really love the crochet top too :) xo

  6. Lovely wish list! I'm glad that light jumpers are in this spring:( I feel like they were trying to creep their way in last year, but just didn't completely get there! I love both the jumpers! So gutted the second was is discontinued :( it reminds me of the Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh perfume :) xx

  7. I love your style, great wishlist! :)

  8. you have chose some really lovely things :) I love the green and white stipe jumper very nice colours for spring :)) xx

  9. I love the lace top so much! xxx

  10. omg everything looks soo pretty!

  11. I love the stripey jumper from Luulla! xxx

  12. I really like the stripey jumper and pink daisy jumper!

    Kimberley x

  13. I love the jumper! It's such a shame is not available now :( the iPhone case is lovely x

  14. This post has made me even more depressed about the weather outside right now. Can't wait to be wearing things like this again! Go away rain.

  15. That quote about spring is the most beautiful thing ever, I love it. And I adore the daisy jumper, I want one. Might have to keep my eye on ebay. Although there are similar jumpers to it on amazon, check it out! haha. Love this post anyway. Glad it isn't only me looking forward to spring!

    Catherine xx

  16. That top is so cute!

    A little bit Unique


    Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here

  17. agreed, cant wait for spring! one of my fave seasons.
    oh what a shame about that jumper, its so lovely!
    p.s. i am definitely ordering that iphone case after i finish writing this comment! x

  18. ah really love everything you've picked! those sunnies and pink skirt are adorable together

    hope you'll visit back

  19. I am so in love with that crochet top! The shorts are amazing!

  20. where is this jumper from?xxx

