Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Life lately

 1. I finally saved up to buy these converse but they rub my feet so badly! 2, 3, 4.  I went with my friend Amy to a local cafe that does the best ice cream milkshakes, mint chohy chip anyone?
 5. I took a photo of the vending machine at college so I could compare it to the other one to see which was best, (the secret diary of a choco holic) 6. Pumpkin fell in the neighbours pond and we had to give him a bath. 7. I bought some henna and got carried away and henna'd everyone in my family. 8. I got a free face mask from work so I took the obligatory photo with it on and then realised I look cross eyed after uploading the photo!
9 + 10. I sat for the whole day and knuckled down to finish my photography coursework for the deadline, I had a lot of snacks to keep me going and many episodes of Doctor who thanks to bbc iplayer. 11. I went to Nando's with my friend Robyn after going shopping. 12. My cat looking thrilled to be with me.

I haven't posted a lot in the past few months because I had so much photography coursework to do and photos to edit and print, but I finished it all and handed them in yesterday so hopefully I will be back to blogging more often now!

I also finally found a website to make a photo grid on that doesn't put a watermark over it so prepare to be bombarded with collages. And lastly, does anybody know why my header turns grey when I upload it to blogger? I have checked the background colour and shadows and borders etc and they all white or transparent, and the header is supposed to be white but when I upload it, it turns grey?


  1. lovely post:)! It sounds like you have been having a good time recently and your cat is so cute!<3 also here is a link to help you with the grey problem! I had the same problem but I fixed it a different and more complicated way to how this girl describes it, so I hope this version helps you!(: http://www.makeup-pixi3.com/2013/05/how-to-fix-google-adding-grey-to-your.html

    love Natalie - Shabby Chic and Tea♥

    1. Thankyou, hehe he is really cute :) Yay. thankyou so much! I tried searching for the problem but couldn't find anything similar so I'm so glad you linked me to this, I will try it now! xx

  2. Great post. I had the same problem with converse and haven't bought them again since :( everyone else says they're so comfortable but not for me!

    1. Thankyou, yeah they rub my feet so badly on the heels and where the white rubber bit joins the canvas at the toes :( xx

  3. I'd love to try my hand at doing henna! Ever since I got a pattern done in Africa my life hasn't been complete without it. Where did you get yours from?

    1. It's so much fun! I was searching for some for ages but eventually I got it from a shop called Manchester Wholefoods, but they also sell it on Amazon :) xx

  4. lovely pics!


  5. Your converse will wear in and rub less after a week or so, just persevere and wear some compeed!

    http://hannahrebekahcampbell.blogspot.com xx

    1. ahh thankyou, hopefully they will :) xx

  6. Love love love this post! Your cats adorable and the photos of you doing your photography coursework look pretty fun.. your so lucky you can do photography! Do you do it in school or like a tech/college?
    Niamh x


    1. Aww thankyou very much :) Haha it was fun at first but the coursework seems to go n forever! Yeah I take it as a night class at college so for an A level! xx

  7. Love these photos!!! Especially the cat :)

    1. Thankyou, haha he doesn't look to happy :P xx

  8. What's your instagram? These photos are so lovely! ah xx

    1. Thankyou :) My instagram is @rosee_petals xx

  9. Omg your cat is soo cute & I love nandos!! xxx

